
Office Collector Women and Child Development Department District Bijapur Eligible and ineligible claim objection list of applications received for the post of Outreach Worker (contract) appointment under the District Child Protection Unit Scheme

Office Collector Women and Child Development Department District Bijapur Eligible and ineligible claim objection list of applications received for the post of Outreach Worker (contract) appointment under the District Child Protection Unit Scheme
Title Description Start Date End Date File
Office Collector Women and Child Development Department District Bijapur Eligible and ineligible claim objection list of applications received for the post of Outreach Worker (contract) appointment under the District Child Protection Unit Scheme
Office Collector Women and Child Development Department
 District Bijapur Eligible and ineligible claim objection 
list of applications received for the post of Outreach Worker 
(contract) appointment under the District Child Protection Unit Scheme
27/09/2023 29/09/2023 View (2 MB)